15 Days Remote COVID-19 Home Care Pakages


Basic Home Care

Rs 4900/-
  • Daily remote Monitoring by trained nurse
  • 2 Doctor Tele Consultations
  • 1 Psychiatrist Consultation
  • 1 Dietitian Consultation
  • Home Delivery of Medicines

Advance Home/Hotel Care

Rs 9900/-
  • N-95 masks, 3 ply mask, Gloves, Sanitizer, SPO2 Probe, Digital Thermometer, Spirometer
  • Daily remote Monitoring by trained nurse
  • 3 Doctor Tele / 1 Dietitian Consultation
  • 1 Psychiatrist Consultation
  • 1 Physiotherapy Session
  • Family Prophylaxis advice
  • Home / Hotel Delivery of Medicines

Let's make recovery speedy and comfortable within 15 days @ home / hotel.

As per government guidelines. confirmed mild cases of COVID-19 may not require hospital stay if they have the requisite facility of self-isolation at home.

For more info please call:


Mon to Sat ( 10 am to 5 pm )