Admission Process

The Customer Relationship Team at the reception will assist you during the admission process. They will guide you to fill the registration form reference to which a Unique Identification Number (UID) for the patient will be generated. They will also draw out an estimate and guide you for selecting the relevant category of room.
In addition, you will be required to make an advance payment. The advance shall be adjusted against the final bill at the time of discharge.

S.No Category Guidlines
Admit the patient as cash patient in case of denial.
Patients are admitted through the emergency billing counter at Basement -1
Non availability of bed/ Services not offered
Provide the Emergency care to make him/her stable. Refer to another hospital with complete OPD/ ER card or discharge summary & ambulance services if needed. Provide stabilization and ensure prompt and safe transfer to another facility if a decision to transfer has been established. When ICU is 100% occupied & two or more patients await admission, preference is given to priority one patient.
No new registration form is required New IPD No will be allocated at the time of admission. Admission request signed off by admitting consultant. Generate admission Form Sign off of Estimate form & In-patient information(In case of surgery)
Booking Policy – Room Appointments
NOT DONE FROM EMERGENCY Reserve for + 8hrs only if beds are available If any other patient comes, after 8 hrs – booking lapses
Non Availability of a particular category of bed

Bed shortages in ICU

  • Pt. temporarily shifted to IMCU
  • Stable patients who have been planned to shift out from the IMCU for the next day should be shifted out to accommodate more ICU care patient.

Bed shortages in  IMCU

  • Shift to ICU (IF beds are available)
  • Shift to CCU

Bed shortage in CCU / Cardiac ward

  • Shift to Cardiac IMCU / Cardiac Ward
  • Shift to ICU

Bed shortage in Wards / Semi-cabin / Single room

  • In case of Non availability of particular category of bed, patient to be recommended the next available bed Category and if agreed then charged as per actual for the bed occupied by him/her.
  • If the patient is not willing to admit in the mentioned category, then patient is only admitted based upon the discharge status of already admitted patients in the same category.
  • Depending upon the status patient bed will be booked; admission process will be completed and attended in emergency at the maximum till 6 hours
  • Patient can also be transferred to Admission lounge till his required room category is available. Patients are kept in lounge for maximum of 8 hrs
Corporates / PSUs
Those seeking the cashless route would have to visit the insurance desk / TPA desk for the hospitalization of the patient.